Last Sunday 20+ festival volunteers gathered on the Alcouffe Center grounds to continue the planning of the Inaugural Food & Water Festival. After brief operations updates from Paul, the group toured the proposed area for festival booths (above the baseball field) which proved to be spacious, beautiful, and most importantly in the shade all day!
Next, we divided into 5 planning teams with the goal of answering three simple questions: What do we know? What do we not know that we need to know? What are our priority tasks before the next planning meeting on July 2nd at 4 pm? We owe a huge thanks to Nick Brown from Mountain Bloom Farms who facilitated the meeting, keeping everyone productive and on task – thank you, Nick!
Another minor milestone – we have created chat groups and docs for our aid in our planning teams’ workflow: Entertainment, Marketing & Comms, Operations, Vendors & Booths, and Workshops.
The meeting last Sunday concluded with each group sharing their findings in an open forum while snacking on Stefano’s bread topped with Artisan Lavinia jams, Spencer’s chevre, and a few sips of local water, wine or beer… all in all a very refreshing meeting.
The excellent company at these gatherings has become an end in itself, we encourage you to stop by our next meeting on Sunday, July 2nd at 4 pm at the Alcouffe Center, and if you wish to help us bring this event to life, please reach out today – all are welcome!
In gratitude,
The Food and Water Festival Steering Group