The general direction: The word, like “organic”, “pasture-raised”, etc, is co-opted and the consumer is confused. They also don’t easily pay the price for real farming practices. Should good small farmers stick to their guns? Where can they find support for their extra efforts?
Workshop Details
- Title: Regenerative Farming. “How Regenerative can we get?”
- Facilitator: Michael Whamond from CDFA Farm to School
- Date: September 29, 2024
- Location: TBD
Facilitator: Michael Whamond
CDFA Farm to School Regional Producer Engagement Specialist, Superior Region
Panelist: Shawn Harrison
Founder and co-director of Soil Born Farms, a non-profit urban farming and education center located in Sacramento, CA.
Panelist: Benjamin Lewis
Grower Outreach & Implementation, North Valley Food Hub for Climate-Smart Agriculture.
Panelist: Andy Ollove
Food Access Program Director, Fresh Approach.