Our Local Food System: Feeding Our Neighbors

The general direction: How well are we serving the needy in our region? What are the challenges, and how can serving these needs AT THE SAME TIME provide support to our local farmers and the local economy? Can we more directly make the exchange between those that grow food and those who need it?

Workshop Details

  • Title: Our Local Food System: Feeding Our Neighbors
  • Presenter: Marni Sanders
  • Date: September 29, 2024
  • Location: TBD

Facilitator Marni Sanders

Executive Director, Yuba-Sutter Blue Zones Project

Panelist Maria Ball

Executive Director, Yuba Sutter Food Bank

Panelist Veronica VanCleave-Hunt

Community Nutrition, Health, and Food Security Advisor for Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Sutter and Yuba Counties.

Facilitator Margaret Fowler

Text coming

Facilitator Samiha Hamdi

Farms Together, Program Manager